WO Nikon 42mm T Mount (YE-TR-CE-N)

WO Nikon 42mm T Mount (YE-TR-CE-N)

William Optics T-Mount for Nikon Camera (42mm thread)

-Useful accessory allows you to attach a Nikon 35mm DSLR or SLR camera to a telescope, camera adapter, and other astrophotography accessories.

-Mount attaches securely to Nikon DSLR or SLR camera body and provides a T-thread interface.

-Couples Nikon camera body to standard T-thread found on many camera adapters used for astrophotography.

-Securely fits Nikon 35mm DSLR and SLR cameras via bayonet-style attachment.

For WO Flat 4 and Flat 6 Series

  • Weight: 45gram
  • Thread: 42mm